Ethos, Conduct & Judgement

IO2: Digital Competency Framework

This section outlines key principles that underpin the framework and are applicable to practitioners in digital learning. Start with the effectiveness and experience of learning as the objective of all activities, using the potential provided by digital media and resources to enhance them.

Key Principles
  • Encourage, listen to and make use of learners’ and other stakeholders’ feedback in order to improve digital learning.

  • Maximise access, inclusion and equality in digital learning, both at an overall level and in response to individual learners’ needs.

  • Take opportunities to improve your own knowledge and proficiency in digital learning and teaching.

  • Use informed and critical judgement in the selection, design and use of materials, resources, devices and methods to support digital learning.

  • Follow the principles of digital privacy, confidentiality, safeguarding and copyright.

  • Support own and learners’ well-being and security in the digital environment.

  • Avoid engaging in online behaviour that is illegal, offensive or unprofessional, or that puts learners or practitioners at risk.